Proof of Technology
Pocket BowSUSPENSIONTM System Technology – Proof Of Technology…
The BowSUSPENSIONTM Technology (Pocket BowSUSPENSIONTM) is the most effective bow damping system that you will find on the market today. This system is so efficient that no stabilizer and/or limb damping accessories are needed. We absolutely guarantee no vibration (twang) within the Pocket BowSUSPENSIONTM Series bows. In order to prove this claim, a simple test can be performed. Take a Stealth bare with only string leeches on the string, a Stealth loaded with a stabilizer, Limb LimbSavers, and string leeches on the string, and a Innovator bare with only string leeches then shoot, in order, the Stealth that is bare, Stealth loaded with damping accessories, and the Innovator that is bare. You will find that the Innovator bare (apples to apples) is much smoother and quieter with no hand shock than the Stealth that is completely loaded with the damping accessories. If you add a stabilizer to the Innovator during the test, you will not find any difference in feel with the stabilizer. Notice how the vibration in the projected oscillation curve dies out for the Innovator versus the more traditional bows such as our Stealth.